M1 Internships Proposals
- Agricultures et territoires, chambre d’agriculture du Vaucluse – Gestion de l’irrigation et de la contrainte hydrique au vignoble
- Racine groupe Perret – Stagiaire Service Technique Vignes
- Celabor, Belgium: Production of bioactive plant extracts using environmentally-friendly extraction methods environmentally-friendly extraction methods – Analysis of metabolites of interest and biological properties
- La Communauté de Communes Provence Verdon : Programme Alimentaire Territorial (PAT).
- State of the art on the specificity of psyllid vectors-phytoplasma-plants interactions: from text to field.
- Evaluation de la thermotolérance interspécifique chez les abeilles sauvages
- Study of the genetic variability of parameters of an ecophysiological model in tomato
- Biochar impregnation to obtain slow release fertilizers and its application in horticultural fields (strawberry)
- Screening of BioSun’s proCULTIVATM endophytic microbial consortia for biostimulant and biocontrol properties in economically important crops like yellow beans, tomtato and cannabis.
- The effect of the fermented bee pollen products on gut dysbiosis
- Innovative project to develop an in Silico method for determining the glycemic indexes of food products
- Can disease resistance limit seedling transmission of bacterial diseases of tomato in greenhouse production?
- Laboratoire de Physiologie Expérimentale Cardiovasculaire (LaPEC): “Expression and role of nerve growth factor (NGF) in carnosic acid-mediated cardioprotection from Rosmarinus officinalis: what role for nitric oxide?”
M2 Internships Proposals
- La Communauté de Communes Provence Verdon
- Plant Pathology Unit (PV) and Genetics and Improvement of Fruit and Vegetables Unit (GAFL) at INRAE Avignon
- UMR Université de Rennes / CNRS 6553 Ecosystèmes, Biodiversité, Evolution (ECOBIO)
- Department of Animal Ecology and Tropical Biology (Zoology III), University of Würzburg, Germany
- 3 topics in Biological control of Insect pests :
Topic 1: Investigating the relationship between natural regulation of aphids on the ground and on cereal plants and predator community traits
Topic 2: Determining the climbing behaviour of ground-active predatory arthropods
Topic 3: Quantification of insect pest control by ground-active predator communities with different body size structure
>> More information here - Pollinator diversity in agricultural landscapes
- Biological control of weeds
- 3 topics in Biological control of Insect pests :
Evaluation en plein champ de la confusion sexuelle sur 2 lépidoptères ravageurs du maïs, test en cage. - INRAE-PACA – UR PSH :
- Comment adapter la conduite des plantes de service pour optimiser leur production de composés volatils et la régulation des pucerons en arboriculture ?
- Comparaison de l’efficacité de Plantes de Services (PdS) introduites dans un verger de pommier sur les niveaux d’infestation des arbres par Dysaphis plantaginea, le puceron cendré du pommier et l’abondance de ses ennemis naturels.
- IGEPP Angers :
Expérimentation en verger de pommier d’une stratégie Attract and Reward contre le puceron cendré du pommier - CBGP, INRAE, CTIFL, L’Institut Agro Rennes Angers :
Contrôle du ravageur invasif Drosophila suzukii par interférence reproductive interspécifique - CSIRO – European Laboratory :
Impact du charançon Lixus caudiger, agent de lutte biologique, sur la croissance et la capacité reproductrice de ses plantes hôtes (Conyza sp.) - Astredhor Sud-Ouest :
Projet HEALTHI 2, Alternative à la Lutte contre le ThrIps, Accompagner l’usage des médiateurs chimiques par le développement - INRAE – Université de Lorraine :
Evaluation de l’abondance et de la diversité des pollinisateurs dans un réseau de fermes de la Région Grand Est (Projet FARMBEES) :
Constitution et enquêtes de l’échantillon d’exploitations agricoles / Mise au point et déploiement du protocole de suivi à long terme. - Centre CTIFL de Balandran (30127 Bellegarde) :
- Development of a molecular method for the detection of Oidium neolycopersici and application to the exploration of its reservoirs and its quantification in the air.
- Effect of companion plants on the production and quality of organic strawberries and raspberries
- Biochar impregnation to obtain slow release fertilizers and its application in horticultural fields (strawberry)
- Evaluation of production methods to control damage due to late spring frost in fruit trees
- Screening of BioSun’s proCULTIVATM endophytic microbial consortia for biostimulant and biocontrol properties in economically important crops like yellow beans, tomtato and cannabis.
- Coloring properties and formulation of red sorghum pigments and their complexes
- Expression and role of nerve growth factor (NGF) in carnosic acid-mediated cardioprotection from Rosmarinus officinalis: what role for nitric oxide?
- Discovery of barley resistance to bacterial plant pathogens
- Can disease resistance limit seedling transmission of bacterial diseases of tomato in greenhouse production?
Sustainable Extraction of high value natural products from Mediterranean plant
- Laboratoire de Physiologie Expérimentale Cardiovasculaire (LaPEC) : “Contribution of warm environmental temperature to disturbances in metabolic health. Epidemiological study.”