The Implanteus GS is a multidisciplinary training program, associating Avignon University and the INRAE Regional Center, and which tends to promote sustainable production and consumption of fruit and vegetables, fresh or processed, safe and healthy, in the context of the Mediterranean environment. The program is divided into the following training […]
Recipients: To be eligible for the international excellence scholarship, applicants must a) reside abroad when applying(except for M1 students who apply for the scholarship in M2), and b) have been accepted to follow the IMASprogram (M1 or M2 level). Application procedure: The application file is available on the website of […]
Two thesis projects have been selected for the period 2024-2027.Applications must be submitted on ADUM only. The first topic is: “FULLY BIO-SOURCED AMPHIPHILES: SYNTHESIS AND COLLOIDAL CHARACTERIZATION” Deadline for applications: until 10/05/2024. Here is the 2d topic: Determinants of the taxonomic and functional diversity of arthropod communities in perennial crop […]
The Implanteus graduate school of Avignon University proposes for its fifth year a cycle of scientific conferences, combining face-to-face and distance lectures. The third conference of the first semester will take place: Wednesday, 22nd January at 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. (Oneline, Paris time) “Can plant pathogens develop resistance […]
The Implanteus graduate school of Avignon University proposes for its fifth year a cycle of scientific conferences, combining face-to-face and distance lectures. The third lecture of the first semester will take place in room B022: Wednesday, 11th December at 10:30 a.m. to 12 a.m., room B022 “Plant Cold Hardiness”, Guillaume […]
The Implanteus graduate school of Avignon University proposes for its fifth year a cycle of scientific conferences, combining face-to-face and distance lectures. The third lecture of the first semester will take place in the Agrosciences lecture theatre: Thursady, 5th December at 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. (Paris time) “Brazilian Agriculture […]
The Implanteus graduate school of Avignon University proposes for its fifth year a cycle of scientific conferences, combining face-to-face and distance lectures. The first conference of the first semester will take place: Wednesday, 16th October at 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. (Oneline, Paris time) Infrared spectroscopy guides smart food processing: […]
The 3ᵉ edition of the Tersys Implanteus Summer School (TISS) went off successfully, bringing together 120 participants over the three-day event. On June 18 and 19, the INRAE site on the Domaine de St Paul, Cœur de Centre building, in Avignon, hosted this edition focused on the One Health theme. […]
The Implanteus graduate school of Avignon University proposes for its fourth year a cycle of scientific conferences, combining face-to-face and distance lectures. The third conference of the second semester will take place: Wednesday 14th May at 2:30 a.m. face-to-face (Agrosciences lecture theatre) Production of biofuels from by-products and residues of […]
We are pleased to announce that the third TISS summer school, jointly organized by SFR Tersys and EUR Implanteus, will take place on June 18, 19 and 20, 2024. June 18 and 19 will be held on the INRAE Domaine de St Paul site, Cœur de Centre building, in Avignon. […]