2021 – 2022 Announcements for research internships

M1 Internships Proposals

Offers provided:

Search for oviposition pheromones in the almond wasp Eurytoma amygdali

Effect of vitamin D3 supplementation on regional myocardial function by deformation imaging at rest and under stress dobutamine in type II diabetes.

Impact of incorporation of pomaces (specially pectins) on vegetable juice viscosity

Investigating the factors that modulate peach leaf curl infection

Discrimination of natural yellow dyes produced by Mediterranean plants using untargeted LC-MS-based metabolomics


M2 Internships Proposals

Offers provided:

Optimisation du procédé industriel de bioconversion d’un co-produit et optimisation de l’élevage de masse de la mouche soldat noire

Impact de différentes préparations naturelles sur la nutrition et la protection des cultures 

Effects of flashes of UV-C light on the tolerance mechanisms of pepper and grapevine against water stress. A case study of photosynthesis and its components.

Use of QTLs conferring resistance to late blight: genetic mapping in an interspecific tomato progeny and introgressions in a cultivated genetic background.

Melon diversity and reproductive barriers