[Implanteus Lectures] 23 mai 2023 à 14h30 : « Utilisation des abeilles solitaires pour la pollinisation et l’apivectorat » par Professeur Ljubisa Stanisavljevic

L’école universitaire de recherche Implanteus, propose pour sa troisième année un cycle de conférences en ligne & en présentiel.

La conférence aura lieu en ligne :

Mardi 23 mai
à 14h30
« Utilisation des abeilles solitaires pour la pollinisation et l’apivectorat » par Professeur Ljubisa Stanisavljevic, Université de Belgrade, Faculté de Biologie, Institut de zoologie, Centre de recherche sur les abeilles, Serbie


The main research interests of professor Ljubisa Stanisavljevic are in the areas of systematic, phylogeny and pollination ecology of megachilid bees (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae). A particular area of his research, also appropriately included in his M.Sc. and Ph.D. theses, relates to the domestication of the solitary bees, Osmia cornuta (Latr.) and O. rufa (L.), and their possible utilization as orchard and certain berry-crop pollinators. During graduate studies, he was engaged in several applied projects which investigated the efficiency of the alfalfa leaf cutting bee, Megachile rotundata Fab., as a target pollinator for commercial alfalfa seed production. He has also been involved in the study of the biology of honeybee Apis mellifera L., control of parasitic Varroa mite, and as a monitoring organism for the detection and biomonitoring of heavy metals in the environment. Also a particular area of his research relates to inferring phylogenies of parasitic wasps (Braconidae: Aphidiinae).

Abstract :

Getting to know the concepts of pollination and pollinators. Pollination as a regulating service in terrestrial ecosystems. The importance of pollination to agro-ecosystems. Orchard bees: Life cycle, breeding technology and their importance as pollinators. Entomovectoring and apivectoring technologies in modern agriculture. Examples of successful application of apivectoring technology.

Pour suivre la conférence en ligne, rendez-vous ici : https://bbb.univ-avignon.fr/b/fay-vdw-wco

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