[Conférences] Les « Implanteus Lectures » reprennent le 12 octobre

La nouvelle école universitaire de recherche Implanteus, propose pour sa deuxième année un cycle de conférences en ligne & en présentiel.  

La première conférence aura lieu :

Mardi 12 octobre 2021
sur le campus Jean-Henri FABRE
Amphithéâtre Agrosciences
de 14h30 à 16h00

Tannins and pigments from grape to wine

abstract : Phenolic compounds are major grape secondary metabolites and essential for grape and wine quality. In particular anthocyanins, the red grape pigments, are responsible for the colour of red and rosé wines, while tannins are involved in taste and mouthfeel. Wine phenolic composition depends on the grape used and on winemaking processes that determine their extraction into the must and subsequent reactions. Anthocyanins and tannins extracted from the skins and seeds during maceration in the fermenting must are highly unstable and undergo various reactions as the wine is made and aged. As the new compounds formed (i.e. derived tannins and pigments) exhibit sensory properties different from those of their precursors, this results in color and taste changes. Current knowledge on the structure of grape and wine pigments and tannins, their fate during wine-making, and their impact on wine quality will be reviewed.

Si vous souhaitez participer en présentiel, veuillez envoyer vos coordonnées à l’adresse mail de sylvie.fayard@univ-avignon.fr

Si vous participez en distanciel, veuillez indiquer nom, prénom et laboratoire sur la plateforme.