2024 – 2025 Offres de stages

Offres de stages de M1

Research Assistant in Biology : PSII research team. « Effect of UV-C radiation on plant adaptation to saline stress »

Research Assistant in Biology : PSII research team. « Comparative Genomic Analysis Studying the Genes Involved in the Effects of UV-C Radiation »

Etudier le potentiel de la féverole pour détourner les fourmis des pommiers et améliorer le contrôle biologique du puceron cendré

Estimation du potentiel de régulation naturelle des bioagresseurs en vergers de pommiers à l’aide de proies sentinelles.

Sélection variétale Tomates anciennes

Suivi d’essais variétaux de melon Charentais Sud-Ouest

Sélection variétale courgette

Sélection variétale concombre

Sélection variétale Aubergines

Suitability Assessment of Wine Grape Cultivation Regions Under Global Warming

Exploring medicinal plants for high-value pharmaceutical biochemical compounds.

Unveiling the One Health Impact of Oilseed Rape Traits using Mass Spectrometry Metabolomics


Investigation of the function of genes related to anthocyanin accumulation in grape flesh

Development of phenotyping protocols for Armillaria root rot tolerance of Prunus rootstocks

Phytochemical characterization of underexplored Mediterranean crops: Unlocking the Potential Benefits for Human Health

Evaluation and characterization of biocontrol activity of supernatant fractions from Bacillus velezensis isolates

Exogenous microRNAs from dietary sources – stability during digestion and potential cellular uptake, Nutri-Health Group, Luxembourg Institute of Health, Strassen, Luxembourg

Unveiling the One Health Impact of Oilseed Rape Traits using Mass Spectrometry Metabolomics

Offres de stages de M2

Construction of Enzymatic Kinetic Models for Anthocyanin Biosynthesis in Grapes

Analysis of genetic diversity associated with important fruit quality traits in Romanian blueberry varieties (Vaccinium corymbosum L.)

Exploring medicinal plants for high-value pharmaceutical biochemical compounds.

Characterization of interactions between plant microbiota and a microbial biological control agent

Impact de facteurs agronomiques sur la santé végétale.

Unveiling the One Health Impact of Oilseed Rape Traits using Mass Spectrometry Metabolomics

Diversité et déterminisme génétique de la réponse à l’ombrage de la tomate

Regulatory Network Analysis of Grape Flavonol Biosynthesis Gene FLS1

Study of the effect of phytochemicals on carotenoid bioaccessibility and intestinal cell uptake efficiency

Phytochemical characterization of underexplored Mediterranean crops: Unlocking the Potential Benefits for Human Health

The Role of Anthocyanins in Purple Pansies (Viola tricolor L.) in Inflammatory
Bowel Disease – Does the Hue Matter?

Genotype and environmental (G x E)-driven effects on growth and quality of wheat-coloured genotypes.

Study of the anthocyanin-protein interaction and its role in anthocyanin blue color stabilization.

Mobilizing genetic diversity to stabilize fruit yield: impact of sex-determining genes on melon performance

Multiplication et migration du nématode du pin et de son espèce soeur, selon l’origine géographique et les communautés fongiques associées

Dynamique d’invasion d’un pathogène de quarantaine dans le contexte du changement climatique et de la compétition avec son espèce soeur

Behavior of a Fusarium spp. synthetic community under abiotic and biotic perturbations

Exogenous microRNAs from dietary sources – stability during digestion and potential cellular uptake, Nutri-Health Group, Luxembourg Institute of Health, Strassen, Luxembourg

 Diversité et déterminisme génétique de la réponse à l’ombrage de la tomate

Unveiling the One Health Impact of Oilseed Rape Traits using Mass Spectrometry Metabolomics