Open application for the Implanteus 2023-2026 doctoral contract

The EUR Implanteus Executive Committee has decided to select three thesis projects for the period 2023-2026 without prioritization.
This year, applications must be submitted on ADUM only.

Here are the three topics with links to apply:

“Taking into account a factor of dispersion between species in microbial ecology” (Terence Bayen, LMA)

“yaduTaph: mobilizing the genetic lever to fight against Taphrina deformans, responsible for peach blight” (Bénédicte Quilot, GAFL)

“Global change and sustainability of groundwater resources: contribution of isotopes and distributed recharge to prospective hydrogeological modeling.” (André Chanzy, EMMAH)

The deadline for submission of applications is May 5, 2023, midnight.