The EUR Implanteus Executive Committee has decided to retain the following three thesis projects without prioritization for the period 2022-2025:
One of these will be awarded the contract based on the quality of the candidates.
- Effects of non-caloric sweeteners consumption on the crosstalk between adipose tissue and vascular function – a comparative study between a sweet-tasting plant protein thaumatin and artificial molecules.
Director: Guillaume WALTHER, LaPEC, Avignon Université
Co-director: Jean-François LANDRIER, C2VN, INRAE, Marseille
- New analytical developments for metabolomics and annotation of dyeing plant extracts: Applications in a cultural heritage context
Director: Gérald CULIOLI (IMBE-IRPNC)
Co-directors: Olivier DANGLES (SQPOV-MicroNut) ; Carole MATHE DE SOUZA (IMBE-IRPNC)
- Genetic and functional diversity of the NLRome/resistome in melon: co-funding from the INRAE/BAP/AU Implanteus department
Director: Nathalie Boissot – UR INRAE GAFL 1052
Co-director: Patricia Faivre-Rampant – US INRAE EPGV US1279
IMPORTANT: contact and application files must be sent directly to the thesis directors by e-mail.
If the holder of the thesis project accepts the application, the candidate will have to ask her for a letter of recommendation to constitute the candidate’s file.
Composition of the file to be sent by the candidate:
Detailed CV explaining research experiences;
- Cover letter [The candidate is invited to specify the consistency between, on the one hand, his/her career and his professional project and, on the other hand, the thesis subject]
- M1 and (if available) M2 transcript or any other equivalent document;
- One or two letter (s) of recommendation from teaching managers and/or course managers;
- A letter of recommendation from the future thesis director.
NB: In these letters of recommendation, the future thesis director is requested to provide an assessment of the candidate’s research skills and motivation.
The deadline for submitting an application is May 11, 2022. Candidates selected for the doctoral contract competition will be summoned by Doctoral School 536 on June 2 and 3, 2022 for an audition at Avignon University.
As an indication, the audition takes place as follows:
10-minute oral presentation followed by 10 minutes of questions
A presentation with no more than 5 slides is recommended.
– slide 1: CV
– slides 2 to 4: research experience (M2 internship or other) or, failing that, a brief presentation on a scientific subject of the candidate’s choice that aroused particular interest during his/her training.
– slide 5: consistency between, on the one hand, the career path and the professional project and, on the other hand, the project and the thesis subject.
Only candidates residing outside mainland France are authorized to be auditioned by videoconference. If authorized by the Doctoral School, the thesis director must get in touch with the audiovisual service to organize the interview of the candidate.