[Implanteus Lectures] 26 février 2025 : « Facteurs affectant l’implantation des grandes cultures dans les systèmes de culture diversifiés et à faibles intrants » par Dr. Jay Ram Lamichhane

L’école universitaire de recherche Implanteus, propose pour sa quatrième année un cycle de conférences en ligne & en présentiel.

La première conférence du second semestre aura lieu :

Mercredi 26 février de 14H30 à 16H30 en visio


« Facteurs affectant l’implantation des grandes cultures dans les systèmes de culture diversifiés et à faibles intrants »

Dr. Jay Ram Lamichhane

Research Director, INRAE, Occitanie-Toulouse, UMR 1248 AGIR

Brief bio-sketch:

JRL is an agronomist by training with an internationally recognized expertise in Agroecology and Integrated Pest Management. He has solid experience in developing and integrating approaches and methods applied for managing abiotic and biotic stresses, especially in field crops. He was co-responsible for drafting, coordinating, and finalizing a Strategic Research Agenda for IPM in Europe, which shows the recognition he holds in the field of IPM at the European level. He has established several fruitful national and international collaborations across scientific disciplines (agronomy, plant pathology, soil sciences etc.) and scientific approaches (farm surveys, experiments, and modeling, etc.).


Field crop establishment is affected by climate and regulatory changes, cropping practices implemented to face these changes, and their interactions. This seminar aims to provide a short overview of these changes, emphasizing biotic and abiotic factors and their interactions affecting the quality of field crop establishment.