Our team and governance

Our team

Director and co-director: Philippe Obert, professor at Avignon University, and Cindy Morris, research director at INRAE. philippe.obert@univ-avignon.fr , cindy.morris@inrae.fr

Project manager: Sylvie Fayard sylvie.fayard@univ-avignon.fr

Educational secretariat: Séverine Lacour secretariat-implanteus@univ-avignon.fr

International relationships: Malaury Boissier malaury.boissier@univ-avignon.fr

Contact: implanteus@univ-avignon.fr


IMPLANTEUS is founded upon a robust and enduring alliance between AU, the INRAE-PACA research center and their pertinent socio-economic partners who all participate in the governance of IMPLANTEUS (Figure 1).

Figure 1.Structure of the governance of IMPLANTEUS

Steering Committee

  • 1 representative ofAU + 1 representative of INRAE


  • Approves the GS’s general strategy, action plan, budget and annual reports
  • Appoint the GS’s Director and the Executive Committee

Executive Committee (CO-EX)

  • The GS’s Director and co-director;
  • Academic or research staff in charge of coordinating each teaching block. From 2020 to 2024, one person was responsible for each of the blocks: 2 INRAE researchers (blocks 1 and 2) and 2 AU teacher-researchers (blocks 3 and 4). Given the specificity of university operations, researchers outside of AU had difficulty to propose adaptations of the organization of the teaching blocks that were compatible with administrative rules. Therefore, blocks 1 to 3 are now each co-managed by one staff member from AU and one from INRAE.
  • AU’s vice-president in charge of Innovation and Partnerships.

The CO-EX is the GS decision-making body:

  • Manage day-to-day operations, in particular the implementation of the Master’s and Doctoral programs
  • Coordinate the selection process of candidates for the Master’s and Doctoral programs
  • Propose scientific policy 
  • Prepare the decisions of the Academic Council
  • Prepare the annual report submitted to the Steering Committee
  • Propose the composition of the International Advisory Committee and coordinate its activities

Academic Council

24 members:

  • Representatives of the main member research labs
  • Representatives in charge of the Master’s programs of the Faculty of Sciences, Technology & Health
  • Director of the Doctoral School “Agricultural sciences & Sciences” (ED536)
  • 2 Master’s students
  • 1 Doctoral candidate
  • 2 research engineer(s) involved in the project
  • 2 representatives of the socio-economic partners


  • Validate the action plan, budget and annual reports
  • Propose the GS’s Director to be appointed by the Steering Committee
  • Appoint the International Advisory Committee based on suggestions by the CO-EX
  • Set up ad-hoc selection committees

International Advisory Committee

9 external experts, with outstanding international experience regarding IMPLANTEUS’s training and research topics International Advisory Committee


  • Pr. J. Armengol (Valencia Univ.), Head of the European Master’s program “Plant Health in Sustainable Cropping Systems”
  • Dr. A.-C. Moonen (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa), expert in agronomy & environment
  • Pr. J. Tarhouni (Institut National Agronomique de Tunisie), expert in hydrogeology in the Mediterranean context
  • Dr. L. Lepiniec, DR INRAE, expert in plant biology, Director of the GS Saclay Plant Sciences (SPS, University of Paris-Saclay)
  • Pr. G. Cravotto (Turin Univ.), expert in extraction processes and the chemistry of natural products
  • Pr. V. de Freitas (Porto Univ.), expert in natural products chemistry & biochemistry
  • Pr. F. Visioli (Padova Univ.), expert in nutrition
  • Pr. Yves Desjardins, Laval University, Canada, expert in food sciences and nutrition
  • Dr D. Makowski, expert in statistical/machine-learning modelling applied to environmental risk management, agroecology, climate change, and food safety (MIA-PS, University Paris-Saclay, AgroParisTech INRAE)


  • Provide advice on the GS’s strategy
  • Evaluate the GS’s activities at least every 2 to 3 years

Improvement Board” (in French “Conseil de perfectionnement”)


Chairman of the Board – Responsible for the Master’degreePhilippe OBERT
Teaching teamCindy MORRISFlorent BONNEUCarine LE BOURVELLECCatherine RIVAMarc BARDINLaurent LEGENDREJean-François LANDRIERSylvie FAYARDMalaury BOISSIERSéverine LACOUR
External members (1 to 3), who may be:→ representatives of the socio-economic world or associations for masters, LP or professional degree courses→ secondary school teachers for bachelor’s degrees→ representatives of possible further study courses for bachelor’s degreesSandrine LOPIS-PRESLE- competitiveness cluster Innov’AllianceAntoine BILY – Director R&D – Givaudan
Studentrepresentatives (2 à 3)M1 delegateM2 delegate 
Former student in employment (if possible)
Representative of the partner institution if the course is co-accredited
Permanent guestsAU Vice-chairman in charge of Student life and training: Bassam JABAIANAU Vice-Chairman responsible for economic development and professional integration: Florence CHARLESIAgES Vice-Dean of Studies: Séverine SUCHAILSAFIRE director : Ludovic BERNARDIAgES Dean : Stéphane Nottin