2024 – 2025 Tutored projects subjects

Mickaël Laguerre, Givaudan, mickael.laguerre@givaudan.com
Utilizing lipid oxidation to produce aroma and fragrance compounds
This exploration will delve into how lipid oxidation can be used to produce valuable aroma and fragrance compounds. We will examine various oxidative processes, including enzymatic oxidations mediated by lipoxygenases, as well as those catalyzed by iron, heat, or light.
Additionally, special attention will be given to methods for purifying specific oxidation products obtained from complex mixtures of molecules.

Cédric Dresch cedric.dresch@futuragaia.com
Study of the chemical profile of Cannabis sativa using a metabolomic approach

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Antofénol, c.cayzac@antofenol.com
Development of study models to evaluate the biostimulation activity of plant extracts
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